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The leader swiftly snaked his way back into camp, as if praying that he wouldn't be noticed by his clanmates. It was evident that he had been neglecting his duty as leader for the day, with his coat smeared with golden flower pollen and a rich sweet scent of flora. He was the youngest of the current leaders, and DuskClan wasn't all that pleased with it. Specifically Galaxystorm. But lucky for them, DuskClan kept most of its private business as a secret from the other Clans. Most seemed to think that the clan deputy was DuskClan's leader. Maybe it should've been that way.

"Shut it, Silverpaw!" The sharp hiss from the Clan's deputy was harsh and relentless, her silver-and-black speckled form towering over the arrogant silver shaded adolescent. Galaxystorm's tail lashed wildly, her lips peeled back in a snarl as she continued with her reprimanding, despite the apprentice clearly not listening. "You need to pull your head out of your rear and open those ears of yours, kit. Otherwise, I'm dropping you off in the center of the tunnels, and you can spend a whole moon struggling to get back." It was then that her glaring gaze darted over to Shadowstar, spotting the frozen leader returning from his little adventure.

"And where have you been?"Silverstar 01:08, October 5, 2018 (UTC)

"Dawnpaw, pay attention." Autumnwhisper scolded, noticing his apprentice spacing out and not listening to him. "Huh?" She muttered, confused as those green visionaries blinked back into focus, and let out a small squeak when she noticed her mentor displaying a look of disapproval. Groaning, Autumnwhisper shook his head before rising to his paws. "Listen, Dawnpaw. You can have today as a break, but next sunrise I expect you to be focused and ready to learn. You won't become a warrior if you don't want to learn." Turning on his heel, the tom padded through the tunnel system, leaving the apprentice to her thoughts when a certain familiar molly jogged to his side.

"C'mon, Autumnwhisper. You can't be so hard on her. I remember a certain apprentice who sought refuge in the clan that had a similar attention span." Sagefrost teased, her whiskers twitching. The pair formerly was on the verge of becoming mates, but mutually they agreed that neither truly were that dedicated to each other and decided to instead let themselves be young and perhaps in the future, things may change but for now they seemed happy to just be friends.

Locked up within her medicine den, Littlerose padded from herb to herb, testing the freshness of each and putting the old or rotten herbs into a pile for tossing. Swishing her long ginger tail, the she-cat nodded decisively to herself, satisfied with her clean out. Stretching her back, she bundled up the trash herbs and began her trek through the tunnels, glancing over each cat she passed in a split second of checking their physical health. Purring in satisfaction, almost with a tune to it, the joyous feline continued her march to dumb the useless herbs. {{SUBST:User:Lunastrae/Sig}} 12:31, October 7, 2018 (UTC)

Caught between a rock and a hard place, almost literally, Shadowstar swallowed abruptly and stared at Galaxystorm, at a loss for words. He opened and closed his jaws repeatedly before spilling out some nonesense, in attempts to get his deputy off his tail. "I-I, uh...I was hunting in this was good...uhm..." Unfazed, the spotted she-cat's gaze only hardened on the frozen tom. She was a good deputy, but her attitude and short fuse made her explosive and impulsive, to the point where she might jump at a clanmate's throat. 

Silverpaw watched the deputy and leader interact at a safe distance, twitching his whiskers to show his amusement at the scene. He was pleased to have his mentor jumping on someone else.Silverstar 18:05, October 11, 2018 (UTC)
